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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] NarutoBUTTON-1


 Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]

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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptySun Aug 01, 2010 11:55 pm

General Information:
Name: Masahiro Yukina
Nickname/Alias: The Snow Peak Sage
Weight: 187 lbs
Height: 5’11”
Age: 43
Gender: Male

Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Kilik
Having been raised in the icy cold peaks of the Snow Country, Masahiro often leaves his chest bare, as the weather anywhere else has proven to be far too warm for him otherwise. The rest of his body is clad in both traditional Snow Sage wear, alot of the jewelry and gold coming from the Temple in which he spent so many years, and most of the cloth (as cloth does tend to wear over time) being from various villages. On special occasions he will wear ceremonial blue robes, but as previously stated, he finds they simply make him sweat.

Personality: Changing as often as the sea, Masahiro often switches back and forth from both ends of a large spectrum. One day he can go on being as cold and emotionless as the waters surrounding the arctic regions, other days he becomes as vigorous and energetic as when the sea is being churned by lightning. An affinity towards the water, many people would think that he is cool and collected. But many forget that the water has many faces, and the faces of Masahiro are just as numerous.As an individual he tends to take his training seriously, often spending many hours at a time focusing on one technique. On the flip side he loves spending time relaxing, in or near the water being his major passions. Loving women the world round, he finds it his job to be the gentlemanly yet will go so low as to turn and hit on you the next moment sort of man. Though flirting is one of his major hobbies, there are still few aspects that attract Masahiro away from the ocean.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Yukina

Kekkei Genkai:
Kekkei Genkai: The Yukina, or Ice Users, have the bloodline ability to combine the Wind and Water Elements to take control of the growth and formation of ice based structure. Their natural weakness is the Fire Element.
Clan Symbol:
Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Water_symbol

Clan History:
With its heritage found in countries such as the Water country and the Snow country, Hyouton is a unique element that gives its heirs the unique ability to literally create and use ice to their own needs and desires. Combining their initial affinities for water and wind, a shinobi with this unique talent can instantly freeze the given catalysts for use, or manipulate already present resources.

Rank Information:
Rank: Sennin
Village: Konohagakure

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Fuinjutsu, Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Main: Water and Wind; Sub: Lightning
Special Characteristics: Hyouton User


At a very young age, Masahiro was taken from his home and raised in the temple of the Kami. There, he was raised to be a monk of the Kami themselves and learned holy practices and techniques as well as being given time to practice his own studies and improve his kekkei genkai. After reaching a certain age, the temple begins to act as it's own hidden village, sending it's young monks out to complete missions, normally revolving around banishing evil in the area. Masahiro was placed in a three man team, his partners, the mouthing monk Keibou, and the shy priestess Shinsei. Together, the three performed many a mission, their three styles supporting each other equally. Keibou, wild with his quick nunchaku and fire styles, Shinsei, precise with her short sword and genjutsu, and finally Masahiro himself, the long and powerful bo-staff style coupled with an elemental mastery. Together they formed team Hikinrei, nothing could stand in their way. It wasn't until the trio had reached the age of eighteen (the temple released no one until the person themselves felt they were ready.) that they met a combatant they could hardly call an even match. Sent to stop the jinchuuriki terrorizing the snow country, it was understood by the temple that Kumogakure had created and was using this Jinchuuriki to expand their territory, an act of greed and a terrible sin. Naturally, team Hikinrei was sent out to meet the terror, all were extremely astonished when they did meet him. The Jinchuuriki in question was none other then Akuhei Yakunan, one of the temple's star pupils until he was banished for practicing evil arts. As the battle went on, Akuhei proved to be far stronger then team Hikinrei, and he had not even used the powers of his bijuu yet. As an act of courage, Keibou charged the man of evil head on, trapping them both beneath a sheet of ice, where only the noises of the battle could be heard. When Masahiro and Shinsei did manage to breach the icy cave, Keibou was already dead. Having used a sacrificial sealing technique, he had managed to seal away a good portion of Akuhei's power within himself, but was then far too weak to fight. In rage, Masahiro dealt the final blow to the weakened Akuhei, then proceeded alongside Shinsei to enshrine his friend in the icy wasteland, lest he wouldn't be disturbed.

Months later, Masahiro attained the rank of Sage, and left the temple soon afterwards despite Shinsei's protests. Feeling no pull from her declarations of love and need, he walked onwards, quite prepared to rid the world of evil entirely, so that what had happened to him, could never happen to another.

Years of travel later, Masahiro found himself in a location all too familiar with home. That place was Konohagakure, and it was there that he decided to take final residence. Enlisting in the village's martial forces, Masahiro was appointed as a chuunin despite his obvious skill. Naturally, the village had trouble trusting him. It wasn't until nearly a decade later, when not only the original Hokage had passed but Masahiro had proven himself trustworth, did the new Kage, Kira, appoint him as a Jounin. Having settled down quite reasonably in his new home, Masahiro couldn't help but have his thoughts stray back to Shinsei, and he began to wonder what even became of her. However, his duty was now to a country, and while Masahiro vowed he would never go to war against another nation, he would always protect Konohagakure from any invasion against them.

It was these values that Kira, the current Hokage, saw and respected in Masahiro. They respected each other's power and soon Masahiro found himself working as the right hand to the Hokage, an honorable position in deed. It wasn't until another year later, when masahiro found the itch to set out once more, that Kira appointed him a Sage. Given, he would have stayed to become Hokage if he could, but Sage was the most honorable title Masahiro could have possibly achieved.

Rp Sample:

They slipped up, badly too. Whoever thought they could take on a fully fledged Yukina, never mind a Sage of such, to battle on the ocean needed to hit the books, before the Yukina hit them. Four, Masahiro had counted four sound nin at the start of this fight, now he saw three. Fortunately, one had made the mistake of tripping onto the sharp end of a kunai, or that’s what ANBU would see from the body, either that or that the kunai was thrown into his forehead, but who would suspect that. Right? And now they advanced, they figured they could still take him out three on one, and so they had forced him out to the ocean, to open ground. Biggest mistake of their lives, and it would cost them the latter too. One, two, left and right. Each was in his own respective fighting pose, but what did they expect to accomplish? This was his territory, they could have a hundred sound nin and still be doomed.

Too close.

Water exploded from around Masahiro’s ankles; blasting upwards it circled him and concealed him from view. It then blew outwards with a roar, knocking all three Sound Jounin off their feet, Might as well have been Sennin however, they were done for anyhow. When the water cleared, Masahiro was nowhere to be seen.

“Where the f-!”

One attempted asking his partners, but he disappeared as a hand grabbed his legs and hauled him under. For a brief second, Masahiro could be seen holding the man, but then he disappeared into the dark depths.

The body floated up minutes later.

The two remaining nin panicked, breaking for shore, but it too quickly vanished from sight, a thick mist veiling it’s location. The air thickened, it soon separated the nin, leaving them invisible to each other. One stood, keeping his head on a swivel, making sure to check below him occasionally. Then the water opened up, and swallowed him whole. All the remaining nin heard was a light plop. He still couldn’t see anything, he tried calling out to his partner. Eyes squinting, he attempts to glare through the mist, catching a glimpse of something solid.


He tries to reassure himself with his own voice, but then the mist clears, and he faces down a dragon. The wave breaks, crashes, and he’s gone. Minutes later, Masahiro steps up onto the shore, out of the ocean. Looking back he admires the waves. Perhaps he’ll go for a leisurely swim later.


Primary Weapon: Kagaikinrei
Type: Bo Staff - Impact Damage
Description: Kagaikinrei is a simple staff designed by monks of the Temple of the Kami. Nothing more then polished and treated wood, it has been blessed by several monks and priests, although whether this has done anything to the capabilities of the staff is yet to be seen. Masahiro's choice in the bo staff was that it is a weapon that cannot be used to easily kill with, giving it a more defensive role. In his hands however, Masahiro has been known to fend off multiple enemies with a masterful range of techniques.

Last edited by daedalus on Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:24 pm; edited 13 times in total
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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptySun Aug 01, 2010 11:56 pm

Jutsu List

Canon Suiton Techniques:


Canon Fuuton Techniques:


Canon Raiton Techniques:

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Dante Sakurai

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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptySun Aug 01, 2010 11:56 pm

snow village is not open at the moment

Ryusaki Toketsu" To lazy to switch to that account.
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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptySun Aug 01, 2010 11:57 pm

Canon Hyouton Techniques:


Canon Medical Techniques:


Canon Sealing Techniques:

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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptySun Aug 01, 2010 11:59 pm

Custom Suiton Techniques:


Custom Fuuton Techniques:


Custom Raiton Techniques:

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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptySun Aug 01, 2010 11:59 pm

Custom Hyouton Techniques:


Custom Fuinjutsu Techniques:


Custom Joutenjutsu (Holy) Techniques:

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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptySun Aug 01, 2010 11:59 pm

Taijutsu/Bo-jutsu Techniques:
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Null Abarada
Null Abarada

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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 10:01 am

Your history is a bit too short for a kage position.

And try too put it into arcs.

Ex: Birth Arc
Academy arc


For now this is PENDING
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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 2:18 pm

Unfortunately, I was told last night that the kage position are full, despite what both your open positions and what the groups say. Try to clarify this for me if you can.

I won't add in arcs, as I'm not really a fan of that style, but I will lengthen it for you.

EDIT: Alright, I beefed up the history a little bit, but as the creative juices aren't flowing I decided to tweak and add in a small RP sample. I also added a little more body into the personality and a short describing sentence for the appearance. Have fun!
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Missing Nin
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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 6:23 pm

You forgot to change your rank and village. xD
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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 6:23 pm



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Missing Nin
Missing Nin

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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 6:32 pm

~My Approval.
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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 6:56 pm

Sweet, after a second Approval can all posts that are not relevant to the Bio be deleted please? I like things clean.
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Shirosame Hoshigaki
Shirosame Hoshigaki

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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] EmptyMon Aug 02, 2010 7:03 pm

Approved! -[Language Removed]-
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Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra]   Masahiro Yukina, Sennin [Approved~Daedra] Empty

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