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 Walter meets Yami.

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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySat Sep 04, 2010 6:29 pm

Walter walked around the streets of the mist village. Not much was going on that day. Just a normal boring day. He talked to the raikage about going to his village but turned him down. He liked this place to much to just up and leave. He had a ciggaret inbetween his lips and breathed out some smoke. He was a bit short on money do to the fact that there was not many missions in the mist village. He took a few hours to clean his wires on his gloves so that they don't get rust or anything. Just so that will be as strong as the day he made them. Walter sighed a bit as more smoke left his lips. "Nothing is going on today." He said. Walter then moved to a market and into a store. He got himself a riceball to eat. The ball was free because he knew the man very well and they were good friends. Walter loved this village. It was home to him. He left the store still eating his food and walked more down the street.
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Yami Kurushimi
Yami Kurushimi

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySat Sep 04, 2010 6:51 pm

Three days had passed since Yami joined Kiri again. She was walking on the streets of the misty village as she wanted to take a closer look at the village to see if anything had changed. The girl was wearing casual jeans and a black plain T-shirt. Over it she was wearing a white jacket with white matching shoes. The people on the street recognized her and slowly stepped away from her. They were afraid that she would might kill them and disagreed with the Mizukage's decision. Of course, Yami couldn't blame them. After all, it was her fault.

The girl walked down the street, her eyes looking at everything memorizing every detail. She suddenly saw a familiar figure walking out of a shop. It was a boy, younger than her, with black hair that went over his eyes and he was eating a riceball. "That...boy..." she said to herself, trying to remember were she knew him. Suddenly, realization hit her and her eyes widened in surprise. Yami ran towards the boy, her blue long her waving in the wind. "Walter!" she shouted his name and was finally standing infront of him. "Do you remember me?" she asked looking into his eyes. They had met in Suna with a perv called Kuroden. She wondered if he remembered her.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySat Sep 04, 2010 7:05 pm

Walter Walked around the mist and then heard someone shout his name. He turned around seeing a girl with blue hair standing in front of him. He finished his riceball and looked into her eyes. he thought for a moment. "Ah yes. Yami right?" He asked. Walter gave off a friendly smile. "Long time no see. As i recall we met when i ran into Kuroden right? My memories a bit foggy." He said placing his hand to his head. He looked at the sky and then back to her. "What are you doing here? How you been?" He asked still smiling.
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Yami Kurushimi
Yami Kurushimi

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySat Sep 04, 2010 7:24 pm

"Yeah. It's Yami." she said , looking at him. A small smile escaped her lips as she couldn't do otherwise while looking at the boy's smile. "Yeah...Kuroden. Pervert." she remembered all too well their meeting. The girl frowned because of the unpleasant memory. He asked her what she was doing in Kiri. Obviously he didn't remember that incident some time ago either. "Ah well, I am a Kiri Shinobi. Haven't you heard? The whole village is talking about me." she said looking around. Indeed, everyone who was passing by Yami, their faces showed fear and they quickly turned around walking away. 'Well, nothing to do about it.'

"Anyway. The Mizukage allowed me to return to Kiri, and put me in a team with 'Kaito Jin'. Do you know him?" Some people were just staring at Yami. She didn't really care but it was starting to get awkward, and she was feeling uncomfortable. "Um, do you know any good restaurant? My treat." she said, smiling nervously, as a man looked at her like he would want to burn her alive.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySat Sep 04, 2010 7:35 pm

Walter looked at her with a smile. "That's good to here. I think i've heard of him. Don't think i've really met the person." He said and looked at everyone. They saw fear to her. It was like she was a monster. He looked back at Yami. Walter then placed his arm around her shoulder. "Yeah i know a good place down the road from here. Come on i'll show you." He said and started to walk down the road. He did not want him putting his arm around her shoulder to seem like a romantic thing. Just that he did not see her as a monster. Walter walked into the restaurant and took his arm off her shoulder. He walked up to the host. He was a middle aged man. About in his late 20's Walter spoke. "Table for two please." The man nodded and took them to a table. Walter sat down and picked up a menu. He looked out the window to his right watching the people go on with there lives. He smiled a bit and the host looked at Walter. "Um, sir. I'm sorry but there is no smoking in here." He said. Walter looked at him. "Sorry." He said and put out his ciggaret. He placed it in his pack of smokes for later. He put the ciggarets away and looked at Yami. "So what are you getting?" He asked.
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Yami Kurushimi
Yami Kurushimi

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySat Sep 04, 2010 7:52 pm

Walter didn't know Kaito Jin and after he replied he looked back at Yami. He placed his arm over her shoulder, which Yami understood as protection. She noticed that he saw how the villagers were looking at her, so he probably did that in order to show that he wasn't afraid of her. Yami smiled at him, as he told her that he knew a good restaurant just down the road.

The two walked into the restaurant and Walter let go of Yami's shoulder. They walked up to the host who was much older than Yami. Probably in his late twenties, early thirties. Walter ordered a table for two and the host brought them to a table infront of the large window. Yami sat down, noticing that the restaurant wasn't full. Walter and Yami picked the menus and she started searching for something that she liked.

Suddenly the host walked up to them and informed Walter that it wasn't allowed to smoke. The boy apologized and put out his cigarette. "I'll take the Nikujaga." she said, handing the host the menu. "So, how's life? And you should really quit smoking. It' bad for your health." she asaid, looking out of the window.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySat Sep 04, 2010 7:58 pm

Walter handed the host the menu and smiled. "I'll just take a stake." He said. The host left and he turned back to Yami. He laughed when she told him to quit smoking. "Yeah I guess your right. But the reason i smoke is because of my father. He was a smoker as well and i started to smoke the same ciggarets once he died. Just something to carry on. But then again he was talking about quitting. I'll think about it." Walter said and was still thinking if he should quit or not. He soon snapped out of it and looked back at her. "life's good. not to many missions for me to do. Just sitting in the mist for some time. you?" He asked making small talk as the people called it.
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Yami Kurushimi
Yami Kurushimi

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySat Sep 04, 2010 8:18 pm

Walter laughed about the quit smoking comment and stated that he smoked because of his father. "Well, since your father thought about quitting maybe you should actually do it." she said, giggling slightly. Yami never smoked or even considered smoking. She thought it was pointless to harm her body if she could avoid it.

"Ah no missions, eh? Too bad. I just came three days ago and wanted a mission but I was busy with cleaning my house. There was a thick layer of dust everywhere." Yami sighed. It was difficult to clean that up. It was a wonder that mice hadn't broken into her house with all that expired food in the fridge and in the living room lying around. After all, she hadn't had time to tidy her house before she was chased out of the village.

"Well, I haven't been doing anything. Just walking around the world. Ah. Back then in Suna I met this boy. Kamoku was his name. Really nice guy. He was all happy and a bit of childish -and short. should have been there. I made a remark about his height and he told me I was 'mean'. You should have seen the look on his face!" remembering this, Yami started laughing. She had actually enjoyed the meeting with Kamoku. "So... Do you know anything of what exactly happened between Shirosame and The Mizukage?" She knew that Torasame had killed his brother, however she didn't know why. Of course she could imagine the reason but she still wanted to hear it.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySat Sep 04, 2010 8:27 pm

Walter looked at her and pulled out his pack of smokes looking at it. He was thinking of his father and then got to his feet. He looked over at a trash can and walked over to it. He dropped the pack of smokes into the can. He stood there for a second then turned around and headed to his seat. He looked at her smiling. "they are gone. Guess it's good for me to quit." He said and laughed a bit. Not the normal reaction you get from a person who would quit smoking. He was just the kind who did that. Walter popped his neck and looked at her again. "Trust me. I'm not the best for asking about the village. I'm well known yet no one tells me what goes on in this village. It's kinda like i'm left in the dark." he said looking out the window. It was almost night time. He smiled into the darkness and looked back at her. "I always loved the night. It's my favorite time of the year. I also would have loved to see that kids face." He said laughing a bit.
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Yami Kurushimi
Yami Kurushimi

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySat Sep 04, 2010 8:39 pm

Yami watched as Walter stood up and threw away his cigarette pack. As he walked back and sat down, Yami looked at him with a big smile on her face. "Sweet." She was happy that he quit smoking and she hoped that he wouldn't take it up again. The girl was a bit disappointed as he told her that he didn't know anything of what happened to Shirosame. "Hm. It's okay." she said, looking outside the window. The night had fallen and few people were walking around, rushing home in order to escape the rain that was about to come.

Yami heard Walter's statement abput the night and agreed. "The night and the dawn are my favourite times of the day. Watching the stars is refreshing." was all she could say. The host finally brought their dinner and Yami started eating first the potatoes.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySat Sep 04, 2010 8:44 pm

Walter looked at her smiling a bit and watched as the man placed down his stake. He picked up a fork and knife and cut a part of the stake off then took a bite. The stake was sweet and juicy. He cut off another piece and ate it. Walter looked outside as people were going inside before it started to rain. He sighed a bit and took another bite of his stake. "I always loved this place. It's so nice." He said and looked at her. "So tell me about yourself." Walter said smiling a bit.
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Yami Kurushimi
Yami Kurushimi

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySun Sep 05, 2010 8:13 am

"About myself...Ah! The Mizukage said that I can become a member of the seven swordmen. Provided he trusts me entirely." she said smiling at Walter. Yami didn't really know what she should tell him about herself, so she started from her interests. "Well, I like drawing. I'm pretty good at it, too. If you'd like, you could come over at my place some time and I'll show them to you. I found some old paintings and hang them up. Hmm... I also like walking in the street, watching the sights and how people behave. The time I wasn't here, I spent hours laying in meadows staring at the sky. The weather outside of Kiri is really nice. But if you go to Suna, you better take a lot of water with you, a hat and lots of suntan cream. The heat there was incredible." the girl said, her eyes being widely open while she was remembering the ruthless sun.

Yami took another bite from the meat and swallowed it. "So, what about you?"
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySun Sep 05, 2010 11:30 am

Walter looked at her as she talked about herself and smiled. "I would love to see your art work." Walter said. He then started to think. "Hm. Well let's see. I like to take naps out side of my house because it's nice to be under the clouds. I take walks and make weapons. It's a fun thing to do making things for people. It's calming. I like being in the night time because the night is so calming and peaceful." He said and took another bite out of his stake. "And also hangging out with people. That is fun to do." Walter smiled and finished his stake. He then smiled at Yami without knowing.
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Yami Kurushimi
Yami Kurushimi

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySun Sep 05, 2010 1:13 pm

Yami finished her dinner as Walter was talking about himself and how he would like to see her art. Yami waved at the host, idicating for him to bring the bill. "Shall we go? It's already dark outside." she said as the host brought the bill. The girl payed the bill, as promised and stood up. She wore her white jacket and walked out of the restaurant. "It was fun. We should do that sometime soon again." the girl said as Walter walked out of the door.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptySun Sep 05, 2010 1:16 pm

Walter looked at her smiling a bit and walked out of the place with her. He smiled a bit. "Yeah we should. Here i'll walk you home. It would not be kind of me to just leave you right now." He said and looked around. "Which way's your house Yami?" He asked.

Short x.x
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Yami Kurushimi
Yami Kurushimi

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptyMon Sep 06, 2010 7:59 am

''Um it's down that road, a ten minute walk from here.'' she said, smiling at Walter. She started walking down the road, towards her house. The streets were dead, not one single soul walking around this late. It would soon start raining and Yami could hear the thunder. She started walking faster so they wouldn't get wet. ''Looks like it's going to rain. Let's hurry!'' she said, looking at Walter. Just as she said those words it started raining like there was no tomorrow. She zipped up her jacket and started running towards her house.

They finally reached it and opened the garden door. The garden had grown wild and the grass was half a meter tall. Yami quickly walked on the pavement and pulled out her keys. She opened the door and walked in, turning to Walter. ''Come on in, or you'll get sick!'' she said, taking off her shoes. She was standing in her living room, which was a large room with a white large couch and a light brown fuzzy carpet. Opposite the sofa was a small white coffee table and opposite of that was a white armchair. The couch was so positioned that it was looking towards some huge windows which were viewing the sea. The rain was lashing against the window and thunder lit up the sky.

Yami quickly walked up the stairs into the bathroom and brought two large white towels and two small ones. She handed one large and one small towel to Walter and used the large one to wipe herself dry. She wrapped the small towel around her long blue hair. ''Take off your shoes and wait here, I'll go get you some clothes.'' and with that she disappeared into the second floor.

Yami came back down, holding a jeans and a black T-shirt. ''These are my Dad's but I think they suit you.'' she said, handing them to Walter. ''Come upstairs.'' she said, walking once again up the stairs. She was standing in front of a white door and opened it, revealing the bathroom. The bathroom was white brown themed. The floor was paved with white tiles and the walls were made from brown colored marble. The bathtub was on the left and brown on the outside. On the wall opposite from the door, two whasbasins were placed with a big mirror. Across the bathtub was the toilet. ''Change your clothes here. Once you change, bring them to me and I'll hang them up.'' she said, smiling at him. She left and walked into her room to change her clothes.

Yami opened her drawer and put on shorts and a deep blue T-shirt. Then she walked down the stairs and sat on the couch, her hair still being wrapped in the towel.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptyMon Sep 06, 2010 12:36 pm

Walter smiled as she told him that her place was down the road. He started walking next to her and then heard about how it was going to rain soon. He could hear the thunder and feel more moist in the air then normal. He then started running with her as the rain was comming down on them hard. He looked at her open a door and seeing her garden and how tall of the grass it was. He smiled a bit. It seems that she's been away from her house to long. Walter walked into the house and looked at it. It was a nice place and then was told to take his shoes off and wait here. So he did. He took off his shoes and looked around more. He walked over to a chair and almost sat in it then jumped up. "Noo... Me wet plus dry chair means mad Yami." He said laughing to himself. Walter watched as she handed him some cloths and a towle. He followed her up some stairs and looked at the bathroom. He walked in and closed the door. He removed his wet cloths and then put on his new ones. He tried them out seeing how they fit. They were his size and looked at the mirror. He did not look like he was crushed by these cloths. They fit nice. He then turned on the sink and placed his hands in the water then splashed it in his face. He did not know why. He was already wet from the rain. It was just a thing of his when he goes to a bathroom. Walter walked out of the bathroom with his wet cloths in hand. He then walked over to the room he saw Yami walk in and knocked on it. "Hey, you dressed?" He asked.
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Tenshin Nara
Tenshin Nara

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptyMon Sep 06, 2010 1:11 pm

Tenshin who is Yami's closest friend in a way. Came to visit Yami. She seems to be the only person this missing ninja holds close to him who was in his past life. Tenshin came threw the window of Yami's room as she was changing. " Relax Yami, It's just me and it aint like you have anything on your body I aint never seen before... For gawd sake I was your childhood friend and soon to be your husband. " Tenshin said in a joking tone but not joking at the same time. He soon removed his clothing and appeared naked for a few seconds. His body full of scars on his back an his chest. The marks of a warrior if you was to ask Tenshin. " I'm going into the shower, make sure your friend out there stay out this general area when ever he is done, after all I'm a missing ninja and he would attack me and maybe you because you are helping me hide. If you have any Kirigakure male jounin outfit place it on the bed for me to change into please. " Tenshin threw his clothes on the bed. " I'll wash those later." As he did he walked into the bathroom, with his sword, located inside Yami's room. The house did have two bathrooms after all.

Soon The shower water was heard running and Tenshin whistling in the showers as he began to clean himself of all the blood that was on his body, and the dirt that he has gained threw his long travels. Tenshin stayed in the shower and thought about many things none of them had to do with the topic. As Tenshin was done in the shower and bean to dry of her heard a man knock at the door and ask if Yami was dressed. Tenshin open the bath door and began to whisper. " Get him to go away. " Tenshin said in a very low voice that only she could here. Tenshin soon step out the back room with a towel wrapped around his waist and his long crimson hair soaking wet. Tenshin then walked towards Yami's closet in search of his old Kirigakure jounin outfit. Tenshin shoulder blade still had an Anbu Tattoo on it so it would make a good cover up story but still he needed some clothes and fast.
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Yami Kurushimi
Yami Kurushimi

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptyMon Sep 06, 2010 3:59 pm

As Yami was changing her window opened and Tenshin was standing there. Luckily she was standing there in her underwear and not completely naked. However, she couldn't help but blush. Tenshin told her to relax and took off his clothes. Yami immediately turned the other way, not looking at Tesnhin. 'What is he doing...?!?!?!' she thought, not able to move out of embarassment. Tenshin let her know that he was going to take a shower and that he needed Jounin clothes. She also should get rid of that boy, Walter. Tenshin disappeared into the second bathroom and Yami quickly put on the rest of her clothes. She searched for Tenshin some old Jounin clothes from her father and let them on her bed.

Suddenly, Walter knocked on the door. Yami almost screamed when he heard him knocking. ''Um..yes! But don't come on! It's.. eh It's a mess! I dont want you to see it!'' she said, as she hid Tenshin's clothes in a basket. Yami opened the door and smiled at Walter. She took his clothes as Tenshin told her to get rid of him. Fortunately it was a mere whisper so Walter couldn't hear it. ''Walter. Um go down to the living room and make yourself comfortable. I'll come as soon as I hang up your clothes.'' she said, smiling. Then she closed the door and looked at Tenshin.

''You. Can't you first send a bird or something? Anyway nevermind. I'm happy to see you'' she said and hugged Tenshin. ''However, I can not just get rid of Walter. You'll just wear those clothes'' she said pointing at the Jounin clothes ''and we'll say that you came by to give me a mission from the Mizukage.'' she said, grabbing Walter's wet clothes and hanging them up over the fire place. She set the wood inside it on fire with her hands and then walked out of the room, waiting for Tesnhin to change clothes.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptyMon Sep 06, 2010 8:17 pm

Walter heard her say that she was dressed but did not want him comming in because it was a mess. She then opened the door a bit and was told to wait downstairs. He had no idea what was going on but whatever. He nodded and headed down stairs As he was told. He looked at the living room and sat down in the chair he was going to be in before. He looked at the place. It was nice even though the girl has not been here for years. He pulled out a kunai and looked at it. He was just bored. He moved one finger and a wire went around the kunai and he pulled on it slowly so the wires would slide off of the kunai. He was just sharpening it. He did this for a little then put the kunai away. He sighed a bit then heard a door open and close. That must be Yami. He waited for her to come down stairs.
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Tenshin Nara
Tenshin Nara

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptyMon Sep 06, 2010 8:58 pm

Tenshin laughed a bit at how she seem so innocent around Walter. " What was that about?" When he asked Yami hugged him and told him he should have sent a bird or something. " Tenshin hugged and kissed her back and laughed. " You do know I'm half naked right. " Tenshin then walked away from Yami and put the Kirigakure clothing on. " I'm surprised these things still fit me it’s been a year since I left the village. Also Why do I have to send a message Your my girl for gawd sake. You say it like I need permission to see my own girlfriend. " Tenshin then walked over to the closet and neatly put all the clothes away. As he finished he walked towards Yami and then kissed her again on the lips before she walked out the room.

" Yes, Yami thats a great Idea. I came to advise you of a mission. Why would I come from your window then.... While you was changing clothes. " Tenshin then thought. " I'll come down when I can. " Tenshin then took his clothes and began to wash the blood stains in them while Yami left the room to go speak with Walter. As Tenshin washed his clothes he noticed a cut mark in his suit jacket. " Damn that bitch ripped my suit. Now I got to buy a new one. " Tenshin then jumped out the window and went towards a store. When he arrived at the store. Tenshin bought a formal outfit, with a nice shirt, vest, jacket, and tie. This suit was generally in achromatic, and neutral, colors, gray and white mostly. He also bought white gloves for his hands, like a true gentleman, so he won't get them dirty. To finish his suit Tenshin bought a pair of black dress shoes, the kind that shine a bit, and make a clicking noise when he walks on cobblestone.

Tenshin took it all home an placed it on the bed. He soon began to get hungry. Tenshin walked out the room, down the stairs and past the man known as Walter. Tenshin searched the Kitchen for food. He then found some chips. and Began to walk back up stairs. His mask was off but he did wear his glasses and his long crimson hair covered half his face so it wasn't visible, with or without the mask. " Hello Sir, you must be Walter. I'm her Boyfriend....Just call me Mr. Kurushimi. " Tenshin said as he walk towards Yami. " I'm going up stairs I'll be back whenever you to are done talking. Pleasure to meet you again Walter." Tenshin then disappeared and walked upstairs.
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Yami Kurushimi
Yami Kurushimi

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptyTue Sep 07, 2010 8:16 am

Yami heard Tenshin cursing and then walked down the stairs to where Walter was. He was sitting in the white armchair across the sofa. Yami made herself comfortable on the couch, her hair still being wrapped in the white towel. It was awkwardly silent in the room and Yami didn't know what to do. ''So...Walter. Are you comfortable.? Are you cold? I could get you a blanket.'' she said and made a move to stand up. Then Tenshin appeared before them and he greeted Walter saing that he was her boyfriend. Tenshin informed Yami that he would be upstairs waiting for them to finish their conversation. ''Eh, Tenshin, you can stay here. We could talk together'' Yami said smiling, obviously embarrassed. After all, Walter wouldn't remember Tenshin anyway. He didn't even remember Yami's actions before she left the village.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptyTue Sep 07, 2010 1:32 pm

Walter looked at the man who just walked into the room and took a bow. "Well it is nice to meet you Mr. Kurushimi." He said then looked at him and then back at Yami asking if he was cold. "No i'm good." He said and then a twich came to his eye. Tenshin. That was this man's name? Now. Walter could see this man as a jounin of some kind. But one thing Walter knew as everyone. He knew everyone in the mist village and rankings. He did not recall anyone named Tenshin that was a jounin here. He had to be here as well. Seeing as how he was giving Yami a mission. He smiled a bit. It seems the two were hiding something from him. Walter sighed a bit thinking of how this day could plan out.
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Yami Kurushimi
Yami Kurushimi

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Age : 29

Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptyWed Sep 08, 2010 8:47 pm

[[Tenshin said to skip his post.]]

Tenshin walked up the stairs. Yami looked back at Walter, realizing that she had just revealed his name. She mentally slapped herself. ''Um, Walter. Do you want a tea, or something hot?'' she asked, smiling at him. She was confused by Tenshin. After all, they were friends or did she miss something? Yami tried to hide her confusion and worry that Walter might find out about Tenshin. She didn't want to get him in trouble, neither did she want to misuse the Mizukage's trust. She was happy that she was in her village again. In her home.

''So, Walter. Tell me about your family.'' that question was a bit indiscreet but Yami didn't realise that. She seeked so badly a topic to talk about, that she forgot all her manners. Not that she cared in general about manners, but she liked Walter and didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. Actually, ever since she had met that boy, Kamoku, something inside her changed. A feeling of kindness had awoken.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

Posts : 73
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Join date : 2010-08-09

Walter meets Yami. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Walter meets Yami.   Walter meets Yami. EmptyThu Sep 09, 2010 10:44 pm

Walter looked at her as she asked if he wanted any tea. "No thanks i'm good." He said with a smile. Walter then watched as Tenshin went up stairs and was gone. He then turned over to her and watched as she asked about his family. Walter looked down and thought a bit. "I don't know about my mother. No brothers or sisters, and my father is dead." He said looking back at her with a blank look.

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