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 Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)

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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptySun Sep 26, 2010 3:19 pm

The wind was blowing through the trees and grass. It was a calm day. So far nothing has happened Today. Walter was walking through a land of the grass. He has his hands in his pockets looking at the sky. He smiled big as he walked through the grass country. It would seem that some of the animal life was around this hill. He smiled at them. The deer looked up at him and ran off. Walter walked over to where the deer's were and sat down. He pulled out a big peice of bread and ripped part of it off making it into crums. he then tossed it to the side and pulled another peice of the bread off for himself and took a bite. He watched as the birds started to fly at his feet were the crums of bread were and started to eat them. Walter smiled and tossed more bread out. He remembered how the days back with his father They would do a lot of things together and have a great time. Walter tossed out more bread and birds were on his shoulders. He put the crums in his hand to the birds on his shoulders so they can eat. Walter smiled a bit and popped his neck. Things were nice. Calm, happy. Walter liked this. He looked up at the sky. it was about the middle of the day. Around noon. The clouds were covering the sun at times but all and all it was a good day.
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The Mothman
The Mothman

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptySun Sep 26, 2010 3:39 pm

Hachi flew through the land of grass some where he had never been before. He had wandered off from his village after the incident with a said goryuu of suna he needed to get away from his village for a little while some where the kazekage and any suna ninja would think of looking. The land of grass was a beautiful place multicolored flowers, the lush grass, and large amount of wild life. A place that hachi could get used to very quickly actually reminding him a bit of konoha. Hachi landed in a small area where a large amount of flowers were blooming. Some of these flowers were very unknown to him he had red about them but had never actually seem them in person being indigenous to the land of grass he had never come across the many where else. He knelt down and began to look at them very closely making sure to take note of the way the plant looked, smelled, and he even took a bite out of them to taste them being sure not to completely eat the whole flower to allow it to still reproduce. Most of the flowers he studied in the land of grass had a very sweet taste with bright colored flowers and a sweet scent as well. After having studied all the flowers in the area he began to walk through grassy field many animals running through the grassland as well as birds flying overhead.

Hachi continued to walk admiring the colors of the flowers and the animals around him when he came across a person feeding some birds and deer. Hachi was behind the man and he had not caught sight of him yet his wings outstretched showing his moth-like body he quickly shrouded it his colorful wings creating some what of a robe to keep the man from seeing his true appearance. Hachi's face was not shrouded as well only his large glowing red eyes could be seen underneath the hood. He continued to walk closer however do to his extremely light weight and his natural stealth that most ninja were accustomed to his footsteps made no noise but after walking to about 5 feet away from the man he spoke.

"Hmmm i thought i would be the only one here."

Hachi's voice was very deep and raspy.
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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptySun Sep 26, 2010 4:53 pm

Hayato was in his paper form, flying above The Land Of Grass using his paper wings. Hills and forests he was watching while beeing carried by the noon winds. Some birds started coming closer. He was now flying between a flock of several birds, unknown to him. He used his paper to form origami birds, which he controled with ease, despite the strong wind blowing them away. After a while, he streched his wings to glide and after losing some height, he was now flying right above the large forest trees. The different kinds of animals were scared every time they saw Hayato's figure flying above them. Animals running, birds flying and the winds blowing Hayato's paper like dust, made Hayato feel great.

Hayato suddenly felt chakra, coming from the forest. Looks like i'm not the only one wasting my time here. Hayato thought to himself. He was curious and turned his whole body into paper and formed every single sheet of paper into paper planes to approach faster. Making quick movements, he was in position in no time. By the time he was there, trying to understand what's going on, one strange, non-human like figure got away. He compressed his paper on the trees making him undetectable, then waited to see how things involve and then sent some paper butterflies closer.

Last edited by Hayato on Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:48 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Mothman
The Mothman

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptySun Sep 26, 2010 10:03 pm

Before the man could even turn and respond hachi spread his wings and flew off into the horizon back to where he came konoha. He had buisness to attend to and he felt that going this far was enough and it was time to return to business.

(sorry have to go)

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Natsu Sairento
Natsu Sairento

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyMon Sep 27, 2010 5:29 pm

Natsu was bored and since no missions were available, she had decided to take a trip to the land of grass. She had never been there and was curious to see new things. After all, she liked travelling to new countries and learning about their culture and beliefs. That was something someone wouldn't be able to see at first glance, because of Natsu's different personality. People thought that she was only an insane young girl with heavy personality disorders - which was true- but she also had an intellectual side. Natsu enjoyed reading different books and learning more about her environment. Knowledge is power, as they say.

As she was running through the meadows of the country, she spotted several foreign flowers and stopped to look at them. She approached a purple flower with blue lines and immediately took out a pencil and a notebook from her backpack. She quickly drew the flower on a sheet and closed the notebook, placing it back to it's place. Then she continued running through a nearby forest as she suddenly stopped, hiding behind a tree. Natsu could feel two strong chakra presences close by. Though the second one was stronger, it disappeared after some seconds.

The girl stepped before the tree, walking towards the other chakra presence. She didn't know if it was friend or foe, but nevertheless she decided to stand before him. It was a young boy, who was sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree. While doing so, he was feeding some birds and deers. Natsu hated birds and deers, well, every animal. Despite that fact, she only killed them if she wanted to know something about the functions of their bodies -just try it out, was her motto- or if she was just bored.

''Hello...What are you doing here all by yourself, little boy?'' she asked, playfully. The boy before her was anything else but little. He was probably around the same age as Natsu, but she enjoyed mocking people; even if they were complete strangers. By doing that, she was studying the different behavioral tendencies of different individuals. It was quite thrilling.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyMon Sep 27, 2010 6:54 pm

Walter was still feeding the birds as he then heard someone behind him. Walter turned around at the man and stood up. The birds left his shoulders but before he could say a word the man was gone. “Weird.” He said and fed the birds some more. Walter then heard someone walking close by. He turned his head as the girl talked. He laughed a bit. “Who are you calling little boy? Your about the same age as me.” Walter said with another laugh. He touched his right shoulder with his left and crossing his arm over his chest and took a bow. “Hello. My name is Walter. What is your name miss?” He asked with a friendly smile on his face. Walter always liked meeting new people. It was fun these days. Walter stood back in place and looked at her in the eyes. He smiled at her and tossed the rest of the bread to the ground for the birds. He looked at the clouds. “Nice weather today eh? Anyways, what brings you out here?” Walter asked. This girl seems to be fun. Maybe we can hang out more. Walter thought to himself. He saw some butterflies on the other side of the hill. He looked at them for a bit. I don’t think I’ve seen thoughs kinds of butterflies before. I should keep my guard up. Walter thought more to himself as a cloud went over the sun giving him and her some shade.
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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyTue Sep 28, 2010 4:40 pm

[ (OOC:) Sorry about my previous post but i think Naet posted, making me continue the plot and now i can see that Naet's post is deleted. I'll edit my post and then continue with my next post.]

Hayato's compressed face detected someone coming closer. "That girl rings you a bell or what?" Hayato said to himself trying to remember who that girl was. She carefully got closer at the other guy, then started talking to him. Hayato couldn't hear. It was obvious that it was the first time they met, as Hayato saw the man bowing in front of that girl. "So it's just a simple coincidence to find these gyus here. Well then..." Hayato whispered sending the butterflies even closer to spy them, using his Spying technique. He knew that the unknown man, had already noticed, but that didn't matter at all.

After that, Hayato's body ran down as paper sheets onto the ground, compressing himself between the tall grass. His head was detectable, but not obvious. He started moving in that way towards them. In fact, the butterflies he sent, were actually explosive tags, already in a square formation in case someone of those two tried to attack him. He crawled silently right behind the unknown girl. Then all of a sudden, the paper went all up in an instant and started forming his body right behind her. "Hello, plain walkers." Hayato said in a sarcastic way still in paper form. He was curious to see the mysterious girl's face.

Last edited by Hayato on Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Natsu Sairento
Natsu Sairento

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyThu Sep 30, 2010 12:06 pm

The boy laughed at her 'little boy' comment and stood up to introduce himself. Natsu looked at him with a strange face, as she saw the boy bowing before her. 'What do we have here...a gentleman. Pretty rare these days and certainly fun to mess with.' The girl looked at him as a small breeze let her long white hair fly. ''My name is Natsu.'' she said and faked a smile. She quickly pulled out her notebook and wrote down on it the date and location she was in. Land of grass. Met 'Walter'. He reacted laughing and relaxed to the 'little boy' comment. Seems to be a fun gentleman. Likes animals. she let a page blank and moved to the next one. White butterflies formed a square formation above me and 'Walter'. Perhaps going to attack. Enemy is probably behind a tree. Natsu finished writing but kept the notebook and the pencil in her left hand.

''Well, just to observe mother nature. What about you?'' she asked, answering his question. The girl was aware of the enemy, although she was turned with her back on him or her. The chakra that was coming from the unknown person was familiar in a way. 'Whose is it, whose is it...Hayato!' she grinned widely, still staring at Walter.

Hayato was moving along the grass, towards Natsu, and formed his body right behind her, greeting them. Natsu's eyes widened in shock as she turned around and faced Hayato. She let out a fearful high pitched scream and stepped backward, towards Walter. ''Wha-what are you doing here? What do you want from me?! LEAVE ME ALONE!!'' the frightened girl screamed, obviously afraid. Her whole body was trembling with fear as she slowly proceeded to run away backwards but she slit on a small sock and fell down. Her eyes were still widened out of angst; just like an animal which knew it was going to die.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptySun Oct 10, 2010 9:34 pm

Walter looked at what was going on. All these people showing up and smiled. He was bored and this was the only way to kill it. Talking to people. He looked at them with a friendly smile and looked up. He did not see the girl screaming or care. He acted like it was not happening. He jumpped up about ten feet and landed in a near by tree. He looked down at them hanging by his legs. "How's it going?" He asked. Starting small talk with them. Nothing really big. just starting out how things would work. He smiled a bit but from how he was upside down he looked like he was frowning. He then wrapped something around the tree and let his legs fly off of the tree. Then the sounds of his wires were flying around and he stopped in mid-air. He had the wires resting on his back. The same stuff on the tree was on his back so he could not be cut by the wires. He let his head fall back looking at the people with a bored look.
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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyWed Oct 13, 2010 4:54 pm

After Hayato said hello, the girl turned and saw Hayato's smiling face, then started screaming. She acted in a so funny way that Hayato couldn't help laughing at her. "The brave Natsu of the Iwa." He said in an annoying way, then saw the man behind Natsu. Who are you? And why are you hanging from a tree?" Hayato asked the monkey guy in a playful manner. It was rare of him making jokes and laughing, but when he was out of duty he just let his feelings fly around. "So, what are YOU doing here, Natsu? And why would I want something from you? I DON'T WANNA ANYTHIN' FROM YA!" Hayato shouted just to make sure Natsu wouldn't continue asking him why he was following her.

[ SHORT sadly :S ]
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Natsu Sairento
Natsu Sairento

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyWed Oct 13, 2010 5:11 pm

As Natsu saw the boy's reaction, she was both disappointed and impressed. Most people would now be protecting her. However, Walter just ignored her cries, which was intriguing her. Natsu stood up and dropped the act, as she pulled the notebook. She quickly wrote something down on it and then placed it back into her bag. ''You are the stalker so you tell me what I am doing here.'' Natsu replied to Hayato, in a snobbish way. She turned around and looked up to Walter. 'This guy...' Natsu's eyes narrowed because of the sudden light that was shining on her eyes. ''I'm good. You never told us your name, did you?'' she asked the male hanging from the tree. ''And come down there, we can't see you.''

[[Awfully short~ =S ]]
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyWed Oct 13, 2010 5:55 pm

Walter looked at the two of them. They asked why did the other one tell the other to come here. As if he was never at all in any way the person who told them to come here. Walter moved his hands around slipping through the wires and then the wires were off the tree and back to where they once were. Hidden inside his shirt. He had his right hand touch his left shoulder and bowed. "My name is Walter. I am the one who called you two out here. It seems that the two of you are good fighters. It's nice to see that there are some who are strong. But I think that I can help you two out. Make you guys even stronger. I do have one thing though. There is one thing the two of you must do for my training." He paused. Walter looked at them with a blank look. "Leave your village. The three of us can team up. Go around taking out anyone against us. Care to join? You can walk away at any time."
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Natsu Sairento
Natsu Sairento

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyMon Oct 18, 2010 9:46 am

Natsu listened carefully to what Walter said. The boy wanted them to leave the village and what is worse, Hayato would come with them, too. Iwagakure was pretty deserted right now; no missions and nothing fun to do. Besides, Natsu had been forever searching for her brother but no one knew where he was. Since she had nothing to lose, Natsu would join. After all, while travelling perhaps she would stumble upon her attachment, Fuyu. As she started thinking about that matter, she placed her hand on her chin. 'Hm...going with this guy? We are powerful? He could train us? He's younger than me, but then again age doesn't really matter. There are Ninja who are just eight years old and they can kill a 18 year old Jounin with one jutsu. I guess I could...But there's Hayato...What if he stays loyal to Iwa and suddenly attacks me...? Oh well, I'll just risk that.' after she finished sorting out her thought, Natsu removed her hand from her chin and smiled widely at Walter. ''I'll gladly join!'' she said, her voice sounding cheerful. 'Let's see if Walter gets it.'
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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyMon Oct 18, 2010 6:44 pm

Hayato listened carefully to the young man named Walter as he was talking. Hayato was surprised. He found it an intriguing offer. That was a chance to escape from his everyday life habbits; that would make him feel free. 'But... what about my duty? I'm an ANBU under Lord Tsuchikage's services... What am I supposed to do? What about my falcons? And father and mother? Oh my... What would the others think? Maybe I should summon them... OH! No no no! Natsu would kill them... Hmm... Pfff....' Hayato was thinking, while wearing different grins on his face. He seemed to be confused. Hayato always gives it a lot of thought before making up his mind. So now he was calculating every possible consequence of he living the village. 'And what if he isn't skilled enough? What will I do if I'm stronger than my coach? Mehh...' Hayato was thinking and thinking wearing every kind of expression on and off his face. The wind was blowing through his uncombed hair. He closed his eyes and thought for the last time: 'Come on now. It's time to make a decision. Let's see... What do I have to lose? If I go, I can leave my falcons at father to take care of them and I'll communicate with father and mother through letters. Who knows? Maybe I'll return one day... But... I must return home, prepare all the things I'll need, say goodbye at father,mother,my falcons... and of course, quit from the ANBU. I don't want anyone to come after me, cause I'll be a missing-nin. SO...'

When Hayato finally made up his mind, he sighed and passed his fingers through his uncombed hair, backwards. He then smiled and widened his bold purple eyes and looked at Walter: "Okay then. I decided that I'll join you. But I'll need to return home first, to finish with some kind of business I have to deal with... I have to prepare my stuff as well." Hayato told Walter being cheerful and serious at the same time. He then turned his head to look at Natsu: "You're lucky Natsu. I'll be your partner." Hayato said being sarcastic. "So, do you agree? We'll return at Iwa and after getting ready, we'll set off. Okay Miss Natsu?" He told her and then turned around being sure about their answers and started peeling his paper away, waiting for them to reply.
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Walter Ikani Sutor
Walter Ikani Sutor

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyThu Oct 21, 2010 8:20 pm

Walter looked at them with a smile. "I'm greatful to hear you two will join me. I'll give you until midnight tonight to get your things and leave. It's the middle of the day, you should have enough time to say your goodbyes to who you want. We will meet back here at midnight." Walter said smiling. He sat down ready to wait. He did not need to do anything so he will just sit here. Walter lifted a finger. "Oh one more thing. If you try to bring someone along with you that's not to join us, i'll kill them and you. I don't want people knowing about this. So when you say your goodbyes, make sure to l." Walter looked at then and pointed to the ground. "We will meet back here at midnight. Please don't keep me waiting you two."eave this out of the conversation." Walter said with a blank look on his face.
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Natsu Sairento
Natsu Sairento

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Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 6:02 am

After Natsu heard that they had to be back at midnight she smirked and nodded. She turned around and was raedy to leave but she suddenly stopped. She bend her head and looked from the corner of her eye at Walter with an serious look. '' I won't ever hold my breath nor my tongue. I don't back down to no one.'' she said and grinned in an evil manner. She turned around and started running away until she wasn't visible anymore.

[[Exit, I'll make a topic in Iwa saying that Natsu is leaving and then I'll enter again this topic.]]
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Location : Right behind you, waiting for the right time to kill you.

Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu only.)   Having a chat. (Walter, moth, Naet, and Natsu  only.) EmptyThu Nov 04, 2010 8:05 pm

Hayato heard what Walter said. He was peeling away while Natsu was running away when he said in a very serious way: '' I am serious. Make sure to be here by 12 because I'll have to leave something more than metal wires behind. '' The last thing that was still in form before turning his whole body into paper was his mouth, so that he could finish talking. The paper was being carried by the wind and that would help Hayato reach Iwa in no time. He would probably be there by the sunset.

~(OOC: Hayato returns to Iwa. I have already posted there saying i get away. Now I'll continue by saying I'm coming back to the meeting point.)

Hayato was flying under the night sky, above the silent earth. The only thing he could hear was the wind, which was enhancing his speed. Hayato was heading towards the meeting point in the Grass Country's Forest, where they first met. He was finally able to see that point and having a serious expression on his face he got lower and spinned in circles around himself. He landed with a swift movement and started walking slowly and steadily. He was there, right where they met before several hours. '' Where are you? '' Hayato shouted waiting for Walter to show himself. He got his cloak's hood off and looked around, his eyes observing the trees, in order to detect him.

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